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  Ramblings Along the Path


I want to thank my teacher Dhyanjot Singh for guiding me on my journey to unfold my soul's purpose and to live a life that flows with abundance, joy, love and peace.  These kriyas were prescribed to me through his Mastery of the Self Program which you can find here.


Brosa Kriya: Transform Your Upper Energy Centers Through Kundalini Practice

Position: Easy Pose.  Palms overhead, palm down about 4-6 inches above the crown

Mudra: People who identify as female place the left palm over right.  People who identify as male place the right palm over left.

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Sat Kriya

Sat Kriya: Master Kundalini's Most Powerful Energy Activation


Rock Pose seated on heals. Arms up with elbows near the ears.


Third Eye


Venus lock with Jupiter (index fingers pointing up) Venus lock for people that identify as female have the pinky on the bottom, fingers...

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Tension Release Meditation: Long Sat Nam Practice for Inner Peace

Tension Release Meditation: Long Sat Nam Practice for Inner Peace


Sit in easy pose. Overlap the palms about 4-6 inches in front of the heart center.  


Palms up.  Right hand on top of left.  Fingers extended. Press the left thumb into the center of the...

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Brahm Mudra: Ancient Kundalini Technique for Enhanced Clarity and Consciousness

Brahm Mudra: Ancient Kundalini Technique for Enhanced Clarity and Consciousness


easy pose


Both Jupiter (index) fingers pointed up with all other fingers curled to palm and thumb wrapped around the outside. The right fingertip is level with the temple about 12 inches away from...

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Sodarshan Chakra Kriya: To Heal Generational Karma

Sodarshan Chakra Kriya: To Heal Generational Karma

Posture: Easy pose with neck lock

Drishti: Tip of the nose.  Eyes must be open

Breath: Press on right nostril with right thumb, inhale through left nostril, and suspend the breath Pump the navel 48 times while chanting "Wahe Guru."  1/3...

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Tapa Yog Karam: Kundalini Practice for Making New Habits Stick

Tapa Yog Karam: Kundalini Practice for Making New Habits Stick


easy pose


Elbows straight, parallel to the ground, inside of wrists pressed together, fingers spread and energized.


Tip of the nose, eyes 1/10 open


Sat Nam x6 Wahe Guru

The Practice:

In the same...

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Kabadshe Meditation: The Supreme Mantra for Manifestation

Kabadshe Meditation: The Supreme Mantra for Manifestation


easy pose


Buddhi mudra


"sa re sa sa (3x), sa rung har re har har (3x), har rung


Tip of the nose or eyes 1/10 open


Buddhi mudra, the tip of the thumb touches the tip of the pinky (mercury finger).


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Stress-Relief Meditation: Break Free from Mental Ruminations

Stress-Relief Meditation: Break Free from Mental Ruminations

Receive energy from the Universe to speak your truth from your heart space. Position:

easy pose


Thumb is separated from the other fingers. Remaining fingers are pressed together. Left palm faces up just above the shoulder like...

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Mind Coordination Meditation: Align Your Mental & Spiritual Energy blog

Mind Coordination Meditation: Align Your Mental & Spiritual Energy


easy pose


Elbows relaxed, hands at heart level, left thumb presses into the center of right palm, right thumb presses on top of left thumb. Fingers together.


Tip of the nose, eyes 1/10 open


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