Stress-Relief Meditation: Break Free from Mental Ruminations
Receive energy from the Universe to speak your truth from your heart space. Position:
easy pose
Thumb is separated from the other fingers. Remaining fingers are pressed together. Left palm faces up just above the shoulder like carrying a tray. Right palm faces down at heart to throat level, elbow parallel to the ground
"sat nam 5x wahe guru" in all one breath. The words start to blend together after a bit.
Tip of the nose, eyes 1/10 open
This is to receive yin / divine feminine energy on the left and vow to the earth (right palm down) that I am going to speak what needs to be said in a heart felt, compassionate manner.
Insights, Epiphanies, Spooky Occurrences, Synchronicities
Myself as well as many other people replay scenarios in their mind to carefully craft the truth they wish to have shared. Most times these replays come from the mind and not the heart. Creating scenes where we hurt the other person, are triumphant, or some degrading outcome. These are stresses and calculations of the mind.The universe immediately gave me an opportunity to speak my truth to a receptive listener. I was able to speak my truth from a space that did not include the replays of the mind, but a clear statement came out of me instead. It was very healing to me and it absolved me from the stresses and calculations of my mind.I noticed an increased efficiency of all forms of my communication. I could hear my intuition better and act on it. I could think of someone and they would reach out. Also, I could reach out and they were thinking of me. From a quantum view, I wonder if there are some elements that are simultaneously present within both people. I wonder if that connection speaks beyond space and time and is simultaneous. For example, have you ever randomly had someone cross your mind without anything to trigger the thought of them? Were they thinking of you? or did you both think of each other at the same time? This relates to Einstein's "Entanglement Theory."Additionally, a new challenging person was placed in my path with subconscious toxic behavior. In order to continue collaborating, I could not permit the mistreatment and repeatedly needed to have conversations with the individual in a respectful compassionate manner that promoted connection despite my desire to lash out emotionally at them. I saw an increase in the interplay with the universe and it presenting me life signs. I knew it was a good time to call my uncle when I saw the last four digits of his phone number on a sign. In that conversation, he opened up and discussed some major life changes he is going through. Normally I see a random shoe when I am meant to walk away from a person or situation. There was a pleasant distraction of a human being placed in my life briefly and one day I saw 8 pairs of shoes. Now I didn't know what to make of the pair of shoes. So I requested to see this person one more time. Their interest seemed faded. The next day a random 4 of spades was in the grass on my walk. When I looked it up, it stated the four of spades indicates to leave a person alone, give space, walk away. Perhaps in a test to this sign, I reached out with two small texts to discover I was ghosted.In this mercury period, I noticed an emphasis on communication. I was able to communicate and listen more clearly not only with my mouth and ears, but also with my observations, telepathy, and intuition.