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Brahm Mudra: Ancient Kundalini Technique for Enhanced Clarity and Consciousness

Brahm Mudra: Ancient Kundalini Technique for Enhanced Clarity and Consciousness


easy pose


Both Jupiter (index) fingers pointed up with all other fingers curled to palm and thumb wrapped around the outside. The right fingertip is level with the temple about 12 inches away from face. The left fingertip is level with the first knuckle of the thumb.


For the first part while chanting the mantra internally, the eyes are open and focused on the space between the hands. For the last part when the mantra is chanted out loud, the eyes are shut.


Mental Mantra 11 minutes and aloud 3 minutes OR Mental mantra 23 minutes and aloud 8 minutes

Mangala Charn

"Aad Guray nameh"

I bow to the primal wisdom

"Jugad guray nameh"

I bow to the wisdom throughout all time

"Sat guray nameh"

I bow to the true wisdom

"Siri guru devay nameh"

I bow to the great unseen wisdom

This kriya is said to improve clarity. It is used to bring one out of darkness of a depression.  It is said that it brings happiness where there is none. This is another kriya that is great for those with inconsistent behavior.

When we are practicing this kriya, we are pointing both our yin and yang energies to God. It is a practice that honors the duality. The eyes are open (Yang) while we chant internally (Yin). Then we flip it and chant externally (Yang) and close our eyes focusing our drishti inwards. 

During this period, I learned about Mangala Charn mantra in a deeper level.  It is said to be a mantra for protection.  It is also called happy feet.  It is also a mantra for Mars.  It all came together for me in a single powerful download.  

"aad guray nameh"- I have the great wisdom by my side, to my left.
"jugad guray nameh"- I have the wisdom of all time at my back (time at my back)
"sat guray nameh"- I have true wisdom to my right.
"siri guru devay nameh"- I have the wisdom of all the gurus, jedis, and sages to the front of me.
Knowing this provides a great sense of peace.  To have time at your back and all the teachers of all time leading you, balanced by truth and wisdom.  One can feel happy to finally experience peace.  With this protection comes confidence to make changes.  (Mars is the planet of change.)  I hope you enjoy this deeper interpretation of Mangala Charn mantra.