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Kabadshe Meditation: The Supreme Mantra for Manifestation

Kabadshe Meditation: The Supreme Mantra for Manifestation


easy pose


Buddhi mudra


"sa re sa sa (3x), sa rung har re har har (3x), har rung


Tip of the nose or eyes 1/10 open


Buddhi mudra, the tip of the thumb touches the tip of the pinky (mercury finger).


"sa re sa sa | sa re sa sa | sa re sa sa | sa rung"

Spirit, energy, or plasma is all around and within me

"har re har har | har re har har | har re har har | har rung" The creative force is all around and within me

Insights, Epiphanies, Spooky Occurrences, Synchronicities

As a reminder, these kriyas should be practiced for at least 40 days to gain insight and fully experience the benefits. Each time I do Kabadshe meditation for 40 days I learn about it in greater depth. Kabadshe meditation is about communication. There are many forms of communication: physical, audible, visible, emotional, and energetic. What are we communicating to the universe with our thoughts, words, and actions? Let's bring the 'woo woo' to earth and solidify it in science. The first part of the mantra, "sa re sa sa, sa rung" means spirit or energy is all around and within me. Schools are currently teaching there are four states of matter: liquid, solid, gas, and plasma. Plasma consists of charged particles. These charged particles make all other matter. Plasma is everywhere and within me.The second part of the mantra, "har re har har, har rung," means the creative force is all around and within me. This means plasma is the creative force. The study of cymatics proves that running specific frequencies through matter increases the probability for matter to congregate in a predictable form. When the correctly charged particles congregate together, the probability is increased for them to build larger forms of matter like molecules. Running the correct frequency through plasma creates more complex forms of matter. We can attract certain charged particles of plasma with our voice, mood, and movements. This is the basis for creativity and manifestation to be a co-creator of your reality.