Mind Coordination Meditation: Align Your Mental & Spiritual Energy
easy pose
Elbows relaxed, hands at heart level, left thumb presses into the center of right palm, right thumb presses on top of left thumb. Fingers together.
Tip of the nose, eyes 1/10 open
The Practice:
Long slow deep breathing for no less than 4 seconds inhale and 4 seconds exhale.
1) Inhale through nose, exhale through nose
2) Inhale through mouth, exhale through mouth
3) Inhale through nose, exhale through mouth 4) Inhale through mouth, exhale through nose
Continue for 11-31 minutes
The Shift I am a veteran. The military is a masculine flow to life. If I don't quit and I try harder, I will accomplish what I want. Just drink more coffee. Take more ibuprofen. Emotions are a luxury unless it is anger or frustration. Even then, losing your cool is shamed. I was only as good as the last thing I did without time to celebrate accomplishments before moving onto the next goal. It pays to be a winner. This is what winning looks like. The only easy day is yesterday.
This flow is forced, like swimming upstream. This has its place, but it gets exhausting when out of balance. I noticed a big shift in my perception during this practice. Although this period was the Mars period for me, I noticed especially during its retrograde that Venus had more room to shine. I am learning to attract what I want instead of force it.
Mudra Observations:
Adding slight pressure to the palm of the hand through the thumbs releases the forced energy of the masculine so that the left and right brain can synchronize together in harmony.
I noticed a huge shift and continue to incorporate these discovered principles of attracting not forcing. Mars is about change and Venus is about union. In my case, harmony with the flow.
I learned to allow and trust. To create an attractive environment with my frequency to draw what I seek towards me instead of forcing what I want through extreme effort and perseverance. Pranayama Observations:
The breathing exercise balanced my mind to shift my perception. Less forceful doing and more trust and attraction. I don't determine when things should fall into place. That is only ego talking. The Universe decides what is divine timing. The balance that pranayama created an ability to raise my frequency. Higher frequencies of joy and gratitude attract the intention I send out.
Insights, Epiphanies, Spooky Occurrences, Synchronicities: Imagine you are white water rafting and you get thrown from the boat. You can swim against the current across the river towards shore. This can injure and exhaust you. Another choice is to just go completely limp and give up. This is dangerous because you can get pinned under water or hit your head on a rock. Ideally, you create some form to your body observing the river, using the force to assist in forming your path around obstacles in harmony with the flow.